The Color of Inspiration
“Our chief want
is someone who will inspire us
to be what we know we could be.”
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Recently I officiated at a funeral for a man who died from depression. Ironically, while struggling with his own darkness he was a brilliant light for those who knew him. His Facebook posts were filled with encouragement and inspiration. Even so, the light that he shared with others did not seem to filter through the cracks to lift up his own heart.
For whatever reason, there are days that are just hard to get through - too much to do days, grief days, anxious days, fighting the darkness days... just plain old hard days. Like this man recently deceased, we've all faced our share of such days – hunching our shoulders against the stress, our coat wrapped tight against life's storms. We’ve trudged into the morning’s tempest hoping only for survival. And from where does the strength for survival come?
When I am clinging precariously to the cliff of my hard days I look for a bit of encouragement to keep me going. A kind word goes a long way in bolstering the spirit, in piercing a difficult day's darkness. In fact, I am sometimes taken aback at the power a word of encouragement has to turn the tide. A word of thanks can make one's work seem worth the effort. Reminding someone that they are appreciated can cut through the fog of despair. The simple sharing of compassion may be the bridge that carries us across the seemingly impassable chasm of our struggles.
“If you're reading this...
Congratulations, you're alive.
If that's not something to smile about,
then I don't know what is.”
(Chad Sugg, Monsters Under Your Head)
On my hard days what I really want is someone who will remind me that Love is within and around me, that I have the strength I need for this day, that storms pass, that I am not alone. When the path ahead appears too steep and rough for my tired feet I look for that voice that knows me deep inside, knows my power, knows the reserves I have not begun to tap. I listen for words that affirm that I can do so much more than I've ever imagined. Life has lots of terribly challenging stuff in it - gut-wrenching-tear-us-apart stuff; but none of life's stuff is greater than Love at work within us.
So - if today is one of your hard days I am telling you that you will make it through. You are filled with gifts and wisdom, enough - more than enough, to keep you going. Take one moment at a time, breathe deeply, and with your head held high - don't quit.
Look for every opportunity today to be encouraged, to be in-spired (which means to be filled with spirit, with the breath of life). At the same time, as you are filled, offer encouragement - sometimes an innocent word from a stranger is the inspiration that carries us forward. A phone call, an email, a text, a note - just might make all the difference in somebody's hard day.
I leave the last word to musician, Ed Sheeran:
“Everything will be okay in the end.
If it's not okay, then it's not the end.”
(Ed Sheeran)
The color of inspiration…
memory of the sun in the darkness of night.
It is a lie
that the sun
is gone
have always
Because we do not sense it
Does not
It is not
Hold tight
To Ponder Further:- From the Bible: "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." (Isaiah 41:10)
- From Japanese Tenriism: "I created you human beings because I desired to see you lead a joyous life." (Ofudesaki 14.25)
- Hinduism: "The Infinite is the source of joy. There is no joy in the finite. Only in the Infinite is there joy. Ask to know the Infinite." (Chandogya Upanishad 7.23)
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