“Affirmations are our mental vitamins,
providing the supplementary positive thoughts we need
to balance the barrage
of negative events and thoughts we experience daily.”
(Tia Walker, The Inspired Caregiver)
What to do with that leftover salmon chowder that was nearly coming back to life? Without too much thought I made use of Camrose's excellent waste-water removal system (a.k.a. sewer) and flushed it down the toilet. As it swirled around the bowel (clockwise, by the way) I had a momentary thought as to what leftover salmon chowder would do once it was in the sewer system. For that matter, what does anything offered to the great porcelain throne do at the end of its journey?
The answer is - it breaks down, and eventually its constituent parts flow on through nature's water-ways. In Camrose, as it is for any farm or acreage, the water that pours out of our kitchen faucet has been cycled through our plumbing many times over. Whatever we pour down the drain will be digested by the earth's belly, and will affect the health of the earth and its creatures.
In similar fashion, the body is affected by what we eat, drink, and otherwise take in through the environment around us. This paradigm is consistent for any form of ingestion - what goes in plays a role in what comes out. So it is that the health and well-being of our heart, mind, and soul are dependent upon what we feed them.
We now live in a world of unfettered access to all manner of literature, media, music and information. We can find an answer to any question that niggles our thoughts, and we can get that answer whenever we want it. From the most profound wisdom to the most despicable vice we can access all that is good, bad, and ugly.
The problem is, we forget that what we put into our thoughts, into our heart, determines the health of our being. One of nature's laws is that the whole is made up of its parts. Consequently, what we think, how we feel, the perspectives we inhabit - these form from what we feed our mind, body, and heart.
“It's up to you today to start making healthy choices.
Not choices that are just healthy for your body,
but healthy for your mind.”
(Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You)
It is no surprise that so many of us struggle with self-image and esteem, that depression is rampant, when we are fed a constant mental diet based on advertiser's agendas and violence and sex-filled movies.
“Taking care of yourself
is the most powerful way
to begin to take care of others.”
(Bryant McGill, Simple Reminders)
Make a quick mental list - how many negative, non-life giving messages have you inadvertently or intentionally ingested in this day? Did you watch the news, view ads on TV, billboards, or through other media? Did you look in the mirror and feel shame? Has someone berated you lately, does your job subject you to the chaotic energy of others? Chances are your list is significant.
Well there is an antidote for all that poor mental food. The same unfettered access we have to information that can harm us can likewise build us up. Endless hours of inspiring movies, books, documentaries, devotional writings, and other encouraging media are waiting for your ingestion. And if that is not enough, the ultimate source of encouragement rests between your ears - your own inner voice. Love yearns to build you up, to make you strong. Listen to your own wisdom, and when you find your thoughts going to dark places take a breath and step back. Find that brilliant inner light that is the Spirit of Love and heed its gentle voice.
"Peace I leave with you;
my peace I give you."
(John 14.27)
I leave the last word to lady wisdom from Proverbs:
"Watch over your heart with all diligence,
for from it flow the springs of life."
(Proverbs 4.23)
The Color of Ingestion...
We are what we eat
Plants grow
the seeds
are sown
This we trust
or ill
To Ponder Further:
- From the Bible: "Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ." (1 Peter 1.13)- From Confucianism: "Tzu-kung asked about the true gentleman. The Master said, "He does not preach what he practices until he has practiced what he preaches." (Analects 2.13)
- Sikhism: "Realization of Truth is higher than all else; Higher still is truthful living. (Adi Granth, Sri Ashtpadi, M.1, p. 62)
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