"To live a pure unselfish life,
one must count nothing as one's own in the midst of abundance."
I stopped for a moment today to think about, and to give thanks for, the abundance that surrounds me. At first it was awareness of physical threads in the tapestry - good food, warm clothing, a home, a car, a phone... basic North American material goods. However, as I stepped back from the weaving I began to see the deeper, richer tones that color the abundance of my life. Underneath the obvious shadings of my physical needs are the vibrant, and sometimes subtle hues of the heart's abundance. There is an abundance of love in my life - love given and love received. The threads of this love are woven into the warp of my relationships with family and friends, neighbors and strangers. And what an abundance it is - no matter how much love pours from the soul I never run out. In fact, the abundance of love just continues to grow.
And then there is the abundance of forgiveness and grace. I fall a thousand times, and a thousand times forgiveness wraps its blanket of compassion and renewal around me, raising me up to learn and grow and begin again. No matter how foolish I am forgiveness seeks me out like a lover pining for her mate.
And then there is wonder at the magnificence of life. The morning sun refracting off of the unbroken snow of our front yard - a thousand diamonds of sparkling brilliance. Unbelievable! Or the dog lying in that warm sunlight, eyes closed, soaking in the goodness of life, breathing deep; a raven drifting by lazily overhead; a ladybug crawling up the window, oblivious to winter outside. Life is amazing and endless and when I stop for just a moment to actually take it in... the abundance of life's magnificence overwhelms me.
" I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."
(John 10.10)
The weaving grows larger, and the threads grow ever richer in color and hue the longer I contemplate God's abundant presence in our world. So long as I view life from the lenses of gratitude and service I see abundance everywhere I turn. When I am feeling sorry for myself, however, feeling a bit like a victim, then have I left my sacred home, then have I wandered from the heart, and all thought of abundance is abandoned for the lie of scarcity, the source of humanity's great sorrow.
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above,
coming down from the Father of lights
with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.
(James 1.17)
Take a moment today to be aware of the abundance that pours over your life. Give thanks for that abundance and enter your day allowing it to pour through you to touch all whom you encounter.
I leave the last word to Paul:
"Now to God who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to God be glory..."
(Ephesians 3.20)
Pastor Bill
and in
[First published November 15, 2012]

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