“Thou shall not kill”
Seems easy enough. Most of us could say that we've kept the 5th commandment. If not in thought then at least in deed – I've never killed anyone. But then there are other kinds of death besides physical dying. Dreams can be killed, hope can be killed, community can be killed…
“Thou shall not kill” might be taken literally to mean do not intentionally take a human life. But perhaps it could also be challenging us to consider the unintentional taking of life, such as the unseen cost of North American consumer habits on factory workers in Asia, or the cost to South American village communities that happen to reside too close to a Canadian gold mine. There is more than one way to take a human life…
Too far away to be in our awareness? Okay – bring it closer to home. Our words of judgment and criticism can erode our relationships, bringing a slow death to marriages, families and friendships. Our hunger for newer, bigger and better causes us to work harder and longer hours which put tremendous pressure on households and communities.
And then there is our beloved earth. “Thou shall not kill…” We need not look far to find the death of an ecosystem at the hands of careless development and exploitation of the environment for the sake of resources.
So, maybe I have not been quite so squeaky clean on the 5th . What do I do?
Lest I be immobilized by guilt in the face of enormous local and global issues that I cannot immediately address, I will start small and close to home. I can be a life-giver rather than a life-taker with my family. I can encourage my spouse and children in the growing and living out of their dreams. I can build connections of care with my neighbors that give life to community. And as far as earth-care, if I just choose one of many possible actions for my household habits and implement it I will be, in my own simple, way using stewardship to give life back to our world, the world that Genesis commands us to take care of with the same love that God has for creation.
Without doubt I have been a killer, intentional or not. And I am sorry for this – deeply sorry. But there is much grace in our Loving God and this grace empowers me to consider the ways that Love may work through me to create life in this amazing world of ours.
Be a life-giver today. In word, in thought and in deed.
Pastor Bill
With all your heart
A breath
Of life
Let Spirit
Breathe into
Smile as
Love flows
From your heart
(First published April 10, 2012)

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